05 November 2012

Pita bread burger

In general people have an impression that "Hamberger is bad for health".  However if you choose the ground beef by yourself and cook at home, hamberger becomes healthy and well balanced meal.

First, you need to choose very lean and fresh ground beef.  Don't put anything to the meat but just shape it and to sprinkle your favorit spices, such as ground pepper, nutmeg, garlic powder with salt.

You'd probably loved to have some french fries on the side.  This take more time to cook the burger itself.  Yet if you're concerned of your health, it's better to home made the fires rather than to use frozen fries.  In this way, you wouldn't make too much of it.

It's important to prepare thick slice of tomato, onion and some salad.  Tomato and onion are very good for the health specially to blood streams.  It's leaner to use pita bread than fluffy buns.  Combination of all these are absolutely delicious.




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