07 April 2011

Youlin Fried Chicken

Youlin Fried Chicken is one of the most known popular Chinese dish.  This is young whole chicken friend in oil.  Because it takes time and some preparations to fry the whole chicken in the oil, people normally make with chicken thigh at home.  However making with a whole chicken becomes completely different taste.

You need to have a real Chinese wok or deep fryer that can contain half size of the chicken.  Cut the whole chicken in half first.  Then boil in the water for 10 mints.  Then dry the chicken.  Coat the skin of the chicken with chinese wine, vinegar and soya sauce dry in the air for minimum one hour.  Then prepare oil the amount enough to cover the half chicken in a wok.  Then start to deep fry in low temperature about 120c.  You must have a thermometer.  Raise the heat at the end of cooking to make the skin of the chicken very crispy.

The sauce is made from minced leeks, ginger, vinegar, soya sauce, sugar, sesame oil. It's better to pour it right before you eat.




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